Summer Playground
Summer Playground 2025
Wrentham Recreation has been offering the Summer Playground program for over 30 years. In 2021 we moved the program to the Rice Complex, where we have use of the beautiful D'Amico Playground,basketball courts,pickleball courts,Volleyball courts and lots of field space for all types of games. We will also travel to Sweatt Beach on Wednesdays after lunch. Children will be tranported by bus to the beach and parents will pick-up at Sweatt Beach at 3PM. Registration will remain open through the summer. Summer Playground is open to children from Wrentham, Norfolk, Plainville and surrounding towns. Here are the program details:
LOCATION: Rice Complex, Emerald Street
TIME: Monday through Friday
Full day 9AM-3PM
Half-day 9AM-12NOON
DATES: June 23 - August 15 (no camp on July 4)
AGES: Kindergarten through Grade 7 (as of September 2024)
COST: Full day(Weeks 1,3,4,5,6,7) $180/week Wrentham resident -$195/week non resident
Full day(Week 2 M-Tu-W-Th)N0 7/4- $144 Wrentham resident - $159 non resident
Half-day - $100/week Wrentham resident - $115/week non-resident
Daily (9AM-3PM) - $45 Wrentham resident - $50 non-resident
Registration is by the week or by the day. The daily registration link is at the top of the list. Children must be registered online by 8AM on any day they wish to attend. If you make a partial payment when you register, the balance must be paid prior to the start of the week attending.
The Rice Complex location gives us a covered patio, bathrooms, use of the D'Amico Playground, basketball courts, volleyball court, and lots of field space to run and hike. There will be games, sports, arts and crafts, water games, quiet activities and more! This year we will have space at the Wrentham Elementary Schools if it is raining. More information on specific room location will be available as we get closer to opening dates. If it begins to rain during the camp day and is not likely to stop, we will transport the children by bus to the school. If it is a quick passing shower/thunderstorm we will house the children temporarily in the Recreation building until it is safe to return outside. If we need to be inside all day due to weather, an email will be sent by 8AM to let you know, and will also be posted on the website. Click the link below to print out the information sheet, which includes a list of what your child should bring to camp each day as well as phone numbers for the program director and site director should you need to contact us during the camp day.
If you have questions, please email Donna -